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When’s the Best Time to Post on Social Media?

Wondering when your social media posts will be most likely to grab people’s attention? We have a few best practices to consider when it comes to the best time of day to post on social media.

When to Post on Social Media: Best Practices

The first thing to consider is which platform you are using. Adjust your timing depending on where you are posting and who you want to engage with most.

  1. When it comes to Twitter, you simply can’t Tweet enough. It’s so fast moving that your best bet is to post early and often (and late and often…you get the point).
  2. For Facebook, think about your demographic. Are you targeting stay-at-home parents? Aim for mid-afternoon to hit that naptime/before-school-pickup sweet spot. Are most of your customers working professionals? Aim to post after 6 pm (yes, we know that many people check Facebook during working hours…but you will likely get more engagement if you post when people are leisurely scrolling after dinner, not doing a quick check while they simultaneously shove a sandwich in their mouth).
  3. If you and your customers frequently use LinkedIn, post most frequently during the workday. Professionals are likely to be logged in to LinkedIn during business hours.

Also consider what your goals are for posting. Are you just trying to get people to “like” your page or keep you in mind the next time they need your specific services? Or are you trying to get people to call or email RIGHT NOW to take advantage of a special offer? If it’s the latter, make sure you are posting during your own business hours.

Last, but not least, whatever time of day you are posting, we highly recommend including photos or images. Social media posts that have some visual element are much more likely to catch people’s interest and prompt engagement.

Contact Niki at [email protected] to set up a free consultation regarding a digital marketing strategy.


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